"He who has ears to hear, let him hear" (as in Luke 14:35).
All thanks to a reader of this blog Iyanda Seleem, for the update.The Media presents alphabetical list of 144 websites that engage in Money doubling/Ponzi Schemes that scam people.

How Ponzi Schemes work?
They tell you to send a
certain amount of Money to someone (anonymous), they call it Provide help and they link you to someone else (another user) who will pay you when you need your money back
with certain increment, 30%, 50% or others as the case may be, they call it Get help.
Be careful these guys are milking people badly.
They are various VERSION of MMM ponzi schemes.
BELOW IS THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF THE SCHEMES, subject to updates as we receive new names.
1. 1goalfunding.online
2. 21stcentury
3. 247helpers.org
4. 3xcash.club
5. 4waycash.com
6. abcdonor.com
7. alwayspays.com
8. bestpaga.com
9. betapay.com.ng
10. bigbankalert.com
11. bigbankalert.com
12. bitmoner.io
13. blonzap.com
14. btcinvestment.co.za
15. btcriver.com
16. bumpercash.com
17. buzzpay.net
18. cash4cash.net
19. cashbearer.net
20. cashblaze.com
21. cashcolonyplus.com
22. cashex.org
23. cashflip.me
24. cashgivers.com
25. cashgram.org
26. cashground.org
27. cashin3.club
28. cashnaira.org
29. cashreloaded.com
30. charity.com
31. cipxwealth.com
32. citifund.org
33. claritta.com
34. clickwealth.com
35. clockrich.com
36. clockrich.com
37. deinvestors.com
38. divinetfund.com
39. donationhub.net
40. donorhub.net
41. doublecash.me
42. Doublenaira.org
43. doublepay.com
44. easyblazing.org
45. el-earners.com
46. excelpayer.com
47. farewealth.com
48. fastearners.org
49. Fastearners.org
50. fishers.com
51. frezypay.com
52. fundniche.com
53. gainmore.net
54. getawoof.com
55. Giftcycler.com
56. goldbox.club
57. goldpayng.com
58. granddonation.net
59. growtogrow.com
60. Help2get.com
61. helperscourt.com
62. helptobank.com
63. iniroots.com
64. inspirinig.com
65. instantfunding.org
66. kaynation.com
67. kingsmen.me
68. lCCNigeria.com
69. liftcareer.com
70. liquidcash.org
71. loopersclub.com
72. looseallomoni.com
73. luvwealth.com
74. makenaira.com
75. mapurse.com
76. maxclub.org
77. moneybox.com
78. monibucket.com
79. moniebox.me
80. my.thehelperclub.com
81. naijapay.net
82. Nairacash.com
83. nairadrift.com
84. nairaguru.com
85. nairanation.com.ng
86. nairapropeller.com
87. nairarush.net
88. nairatab.net
89. nairaxpress.com
90. naracle-ng.com
91. netelites.org
92. ogive.com
93. paycycler.com
94. paydonor.com
95. paymatch.com
96. paymatch.org
97. paymenaira.com
98. paymentparadise.com
99. paywellclub.org
100. pearlcashflow.com
101. peercycler.net
102. pekunias.org
103. penihub.com
104. pondsee.com
105. popcash.com.ng
106. quadpay.me
107. quickcharity.com.ng
108. quickmoney.com
109. redemptioncash.com
110. reeleef.com
111. royalbills.com
112. safewealth.com
113. sharppayout.com
114. silverpay.com.ng
115. slickwealth.com
116. slimpro-nigeria.net
117. slypay.org
118. smartprimewallet.com
119. Smile2charity.com
120. smoothnaira.org
121. softearner.com
122. somapay.com
123. spreadcash.net
124. springcash.com
125. squarepay.org
126. Stablecashout.com
127. stablecashout.org
128. steadalert.org
129. supercash.com
130. switpay.com
131. tetrismart.com
132. theachievas.com
133. thriftonweb.com
134. tmtcash.co
135. tripleit.com
136. ultimatecycler.com
137. unitydonations.com
138. wealthconnect.ng
139. wealthhelpers.com
140. wealthpump.org
141. Wellapay.com
142. wexpress.biz
143. www.eliteclubnet.com
144. xtrafinance.com
Be careful these guys are milking people badly.
Iyanda Seleem, is from Osun State.
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