Music in the Twenty-first Century , By Mary Duff
Music, an art that
has turned many into overnight millionaires and legends is gradually losing its
That notwithstanding, music still adds spice and gladdens
hearts. Hmm.
Music is seen as a sound or study of such sound or any
pleasing or interesting sounds according to EN dictionary.
However, for me, I
see music as a calm breeze to the soul appearing in a harmonized mood.
Just as the world is growing vast on technology and
knowledge, thesame way music is growing.
Music has positively and negatively affected individuals,
societies economics, politics etc..
Historically, music
has long existed before humanity.
Biblically, music
started in heaven by an angel called LUCIFER who was the chief Orchestra among
the angels. He was said to be the most beautiful among all the angels with a
melodious voice that touches the heart of God, but he was later dethroned as a
result of his mischief.
According to Ancient
Origin, "music began with singing and clapping or beating the hands of
different surfaces''. Between 60,000 and 30,000 years ago, people created art
in form of painting on cave walls, jewelry and ornaments to bury their dead
According to
Wikipedia, music may have been in existence for at least 55,000 years and
firstly invented in Africa and then evolved to become a fundamental constituent
of human life.
Music has gone a long way to adding values to lives. This
art called music has brought communities, villages, states and even countries
together by creating a friendly relationship
Music can metamorphose ones state of mood from sadness to
It can be used to pass strong messages that could not be
outspoken through speech delivery.
It can heal souls motivate dying ones
Music, biblically, touches the heart of God for miracle,
signs and wonders.
On the other hand,
souls have been won into different religions and kingdoms as a result of
different genres of music.
So many people dance to beats and do not know the wordings(lyrics)
which ought not to be.
My endless rhetoric question goes:
Do composers of music target their minds on getting rich and
corrupt listeners?
Gone are the days when real sensible, matured and meaningful
music were heard, songs of inspiration and happiness, songs that uplift burdens
and correct wrongs on a matured concept.
I wonder if our
forefathers sold out or died with such talents or inspiration.
You can imagine a
five year old child singing(pass me your love,shake that burry, kelewa..etc)
what values do these songs inculcate on such children?
Don't forget in a hurry that music can repair and also
destroy a nation depending on its kind.
What Kind of music do you embrace? What kind of music do you
listen to?
Nice one dear