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Thursday, 9 March 2017

Words for the mind

By: Dabo Da-Prof

You can fight as much as you want because you believe you have power or physical strength, but don't ever allow yourself get deserve or carried away by your physical strength cause David was not as strong as Goliath yet no one named their child after Goliath so be careful with how you use your muscle instead of your brain because
what you underrate might take you unaware. And remember that respect is never achieved using force but by using words. Words for the mind is an advice for the wise and a lesson to whom it may concern.

When you are dealing with arrogant person you have more than enough to do if you must prove a point because as wide as their eyes are open they are always blind to see the truth. Wise people accept correction and apply it to see them grow while arrogant people pick offence for being corrected. Knowledge is for all but wisdom is for few. Words for the mind is an advice for the wise and a lesson to whom it may concern.

There is a particular goal we all should achieve in every stage of our lives and if you fail to achieve the goal you are supposed to achieve at twenty,don't expect to achieve it at thirty.because every stage in life is with a different goal and challenge, remember that what is seen as tomorrow will be yesterday in a new day. So take time before time takes you. Words for the mind is an advice for the wise and a lesson to whom it may concern.

Dabo Da-Prof, writes from Kano State

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